Experiencing the Depth of God’s Love
Jan 31, 2022
Isn’t it exhilarating every time you share something that makes you happy with someone and then you get to see their face light up in excitement because it makes them happy too? These genuine moments of shared experiences often play a major role in building strong relationships.
No matter how introverted or “self-sufficient” we think we are, there will always be this part in our hearts that craves to be known. We crave genuine connections and relationships because we are relational beings. Like what Pastor Jeremy Vance said in this podcast episode about knowing God’s love, “God made us relate. He made us relate to each other. He made us relate to Him.”
Relationships, even friendships, marriages, and among colleagues, thrive when the people involved continuously make an effort to intentionally get to know each other. The case is also the same when it comes to our relationship with God. His Word plays a vital role in our pursuit of growing in our walk with Him. The Scripture contains so much mystery and wisdom that sometimes, there are certain parts that we cannot easily wrap our minds around. In these moments, the power of the Holy Spirit works in us. It says in Ephesians 5:18, NKJV “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit...” The moment we accept God as the Lord of our lives and believe in Him, He sends His Spirit to reside in us. "In order to be sure of our eternal destiny, that we're going to be with God forever, the Bible teaches that He seals us with His Holy Spirit, that the Holy Spirit is our guarantee.” Pastor Jeremy Vance further explained that we can mature in our faith not really because of how good we are in understanding the Word, but because we have the Holy Spirit in us!
Christianity is not about following a set of rules, strictly observing a routine, and then ending up seeing God as someone who is distant and unapproachable. He knows our heart’s desire to be known and He wants to let us know that He is genuinely interested in the things that give us joy, make us sad, and make our hearts alive. Don’t get Him wrong. He knows you full well because He Himself knitted you in your mother’s womb. What He would love for you to experience is to have this authentic relationship with Him. He knows that it is what you need most of all. “The reality is when you put your faith in Jesus, He leads us to greener pastures. He is the One who makes our life right,” Pastor Jeremy Vance shared.
Life in the Spirit brings freedom and true satisfaction. It is in embracing this life that we open our hearts in surrender and let ourselves fall deeper in love to the God who loved us first.
Reading His Word is instrumental to our growth as Christians. As we know more about Jesus through the Scripture and we allow His teachings to change us from the inside out, we’ll discover the wonders of His Lordship and the power of His love right before our very eyes.
Continue to grow in your walk with God and experience the depth of His love through His Word. Have something to help you unravel the beauty of the Scriptures by enrolling in Grace on Demand courses! Visit www.graceondemand.org now!
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