A Game Plan for Changing the World, One Life at a Time
This Discipleship course will help you learn discipleship principles from Jesus' mindset, priority, and life approach. Learn to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, the Greatest Disciple-Maker, so that you too can go out your door each day to change the world.
Start Learning TodayHow do you change the world?
MAKE DISCIPLES. It started with Jesus. He modeled it in such a brilliant way that we can also follow His lead even today. It's commanded by Jesus. Discipleship is not a program for the select but a call to all believers of Christ. It is a great adventure to change lives and make a difference for Christ and His church. Will you choose to follow Him in this adventure?

Learn from the Example of Jesus
Through 5 video teachings, understand Jesus’ principles of discipleship and know how they apply to our present life and ministry.

Build a Biblical Foundation of Discipleship
Use the downloadable study guide to dig deeper into God's Word and experience personal spiritual transformation.

"The course was great in all aspects. One main thing we need to takeaway from Dr. Norris is that discipleship is not about a particular ministry, program, workbook, and church activity that only a few Christians participate in; it's a relationship that multiplies through our model Jesus Christ."
Are You Ready to Be a Disciple-Maker?
Build a biblical foundation of discipleship that is transferable in our culture today. Access all Grace On Demand courses.